Hello and thank you for your patience! My caring duties to a much loved disabled invalid have prevented me from writing a newsletter, but I have ‘pulled myself together’ and are now planning to return to finishing my poetry book, my first novel for grown ups, and to writing newsletters. I know that many teachers and children are hoping for a sequel to First Wolf this year. It is to be called Kendra, and it is her story, set again at the time of the fighting between Anglo-Saxons and the Welsh people. Wish me luck!

I would love to hear about you, what you are doing at the moment. There is space beneath this post to do so.

I am moving the email addresses from the Mailchimp site to here, on my website. Perhaps you came across me when I was free to attend book signings at historic sites where my books were set, at bookshops, libraries, schools, gatherings at village fairs and community halls, and agreed to subscribe to my newsletter. Those were happy times.

With hugs, Carole.